..... Tuesday 4 of us ladies were assigned the job of cleaning up about a 3/4 mile stretch of road right near the church. It took us almost 6 hours since there was SO MUCH garbage everywhere. We got quite a few honks but soon realized it was from the work we were doing!!! Two guys in a van pulled up to where I was working and told me how much they appreciated what we were doing. He even gave me a bag of new work gloves that we could use! The next day we could see already that people had started throwing their garbage out their windows. It was kind of frusterating but it was expected to happen.
Wednesday my Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Menno arrived and I was assigned to the same site as them as well as Sandy Eidse. We went to Alfred Pete's house once again. My Uncle Menno installed cabinets and the countertop while Sandy, Aunt Dorothy, and myself grouted the floor for tiling the next day.
Thursday a lady by the name of Bev Claassen and I went to another site to paint a shed. The wood on the shed was not smooth so I had to use all my strength while I was rolling in order to cover up the wood. It took us almost 8 hours to paint this shed....
.....there were other distractions along the way though. There were three young boys that we met at that particular site. Their names were Lucas, Marcus, and Rene. The one boy Lucas always kept on comming to us and telling us that he was going to paint. Even though we had said no many many many many many many times he just kept comming back. We had to keep a close eye on him since he always was wanting to pick up the paintbrush. His younger brother Marcus got his hand in the paint and put a handful into his mouth. That can't be healthy can it??? By the end of the day those boys had paint around their mouths, skin, and all over their clothes. It's not like we didn't warn them, lol. They were terrbily cute none the less. I got to play a bit of baseball with Lucas that day as well just before my lunch break!
Friday 4 of us ladies stayed back at the church to sweep and mop the floors. Everyone only had to work until lunch that day since we were wanting to be on the road by 1. Our group only had to work until 10 so then Kerry gave Sandy and I a tour of some of the other sites. One of the highlights was being able to go by boat to see Rubys site.
Jill, no way! No one believed that I saw a white bunny!!! Now I have proof that there was one! Right close to Miss Ruby's, right? Ha!
:D God bless!
Oh yeah it was in a bush right beside her house pretty much.!! I saw it right aways when I got there, pretty much our whole group saw it. We were feeding it carrots almost the whole week!! I even got to pet it for about 2 seconds!
Its funny how we took pictures of a bunch on the same things! It's neat to see the things that we worked on get even closer to done!
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